The Club consists of almost all fixed- wing flyers with a few who also occasionally fly helicopters. Helicopter flying only has priority before 10am each day which means that, as we do not fly both together, helicopter flying is limited.
Flying is allowed during daylight hours every day, weather permitting. The Club operates a strict “permit to fly” system that entails every member having to pass a Club proficiency test to demonstrate that they are competent and safe flyers before they can fly solo. Until you have passed this test you must be supervised by a nominated, experienced Club flyer. We offer free tuition and instruction by our registered BMFA instructors.
From October to April, we hold Club meetings on the first Wednesday of each month in the main hall at Patcham Community Centre, Ladies Mile Road, Patcham, Brighton, from 8pm – 10pm. From May to September we meet at our flying site just off Saddlescombe Road, near Saddlescombe, north of Brighton on the first Wednesday of the month from about 6.45pm until dusk, weather permitting. Flying is the main event and only a brief report on club activities is given by the Chairman.
The Club requires every Member to hold current Membership of the British Model Flying Association.
If you would like to join our Club or find out more about us, call in at the flying field on a good weather flying day. Alternatively, e-mail the Club Secretary at: